Shine! Shine! Shine in thy glorious shapes! Display yourselves proudly dearest love handles! And they did just that. Flabby tummy, spare tyres, love handles, shapelessness – whatever you call them – all of mine had the glorious opportunity to flaunt themselves last weekend! Yes, that was crazy me getting all excited for my holiday at a lovely private beach resort with my family. I was happy to strut around in my bikini at this private holiday villa.

It was exactly the type of holiday I had wanted for my family and I. A holiday where we dictated the time to have breakfast, not according to the hotel’s schedule. We ate when we wanted to, when we are hungry after a hard day of play at the beach – all at the luxurious indoor catering of this private villa.

We woke up when our body tells us to, go to sleep when we can no longer keep our eyes open, make all the noise we wanted to without the fear of being told off by the management that we are too noisy – and yes, we were sooo noisy from the excitement from “Monopoly” game!

The beach was wonderfully private with fine white sand. Surrounded by natural tall proud trees, glorious salty windy air, fish swimming around us in clear lagoon, an infinity pool that looks out into the horizon where the sea blends with the sky, villa totally to ourselves and most importantly with loved ones – what more could I ask for.
It was good bonding time for the children with their grandparents, uncle, aunt and of course their parents!
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