The learned is happy, nature to explore, the fool is happy, that he knows no more
~Alexander Pope~
~Alexander Pope~
The following day, I went to make the mandatory police report in order to claim insurance monies for the due repairs. At the police station I realized that each and everyone of us may be ignorant of some things in life but is our ignorance innocent, by choice or arrogance?
I was not sure of the name of the highway where my accident took place. So I seek assistance of the police officer on duty, described to him where the accident took place and asked for the name of the highway. What did I get? A map book thrown at me and a curt "Look it up yourself". I dutifully did that, typed out my report and then went back to the police officer for the printing of my report.
One look at my report, the police officer told me that there is no highway by that as named in my report namely Lebuhraya Baru Lembah Kelang. Confused, I showed him the map book given by him to me. What did he do? He refused to look at it and instead told me that my accident took place at NKVE. He knew the name of that highway but yet he refused to tell me when I asked, and made me look it up myself in the map book. For that I must thank him for educating me.
He insisted that I changed it to NKVE but I refused because the map book clearly stated it as what I had typed. When I asked him what does NKVE stand for, he just replied, "NKVE.... NKVE lah!" I had to tell him it is the acronym for North Klang Valley Expressway which is also Lebuhraya Baru Lembah Kelang in Bahasa Malaysia. I invited him again to look into the map book to ascertain the correctness of my report or otherwise. He absolutely refused.
It is sad isn't it - when one is given a chance to learn, to educate oneself but yet not to take opportunity of it. Ignorance by choice and arrogance is the saddest part.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
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