Monday, April 4, 2011

Trust Abused

My heart aches having to read yet another article where a child died at the hands of the people who are supposed to take care, protect and educate them.

The latest being Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee - an innocent seven year old boy had his life snuff out by his religious teacher who is also his hostel warden!
A TEACHER did this!
Saiful was beaten to death based on the teacher's suspicion that Saiful had stolen something!  According to news article, Saiful was allegedly tied up and repeatedly assaulted by the teacher for two hours before Saiful collapsed!  Was the teacher trying to beat a confession out of Saiful?  Saiful died defending his innocence, paid with his life!

The Sunday Times brought back the heartbreaking memory of Baby Bala who was battered, severely scared and violently abused.  He was left to die outside the Kuala Lumpur hospital toilet.

If I remember correctly, Baby Bala was only about 3 years old when he died.  During his short life span, he knew nothing but pain and sufferings.  He suffered burns, beatings and violent tortures before he lapsed into coma and died without ever regaining consciousness. 

The above are but two examples - there are numerous news articles about children abuses.
How can a human do this to another human - and these are mere children!!!?  Even animals take care and protect their young.

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