There I was happily eating away and the man said it AGAIN - "You want to eat some more?!" What did I do? I looked at him and simply said "Yes". What did you expect me to do especially if the kind host had offered some kind of mooncake that I have not tried before. Of course I must not disappoint the host right?
Point taken - I did eat a lot but to imply in front of the family that I was eating too much and fat, hmmmm! But do I care or was I sensitive that remark? No. Why, you may ask. Well, herein lies the explanation .....
Most women when they look at themselves in the mirror they see these
As for me, when I look into the mirror, which I don't do a lot but when I do, this is what I see

Well, what can I say - I love me!
Am I fat? Well I'd rather the term be overweight.
Am I in denial? Of course I am.
What can I say - I LOVE ME!
On a serious note, however, I honestly believe that confession is good for the soul. So here goes - yes, I do tend to over-eat and yes, I am overweight. But I do love ME! And because I love me, I'll be good to me and not over-eat, but hey this is NOT a resolution, but merely a self check on my weight as my poor knees are bearing the brunt of the weight! I don't like and can't go on a diet. I am also too conservative to give these marvelous slimming potions and methods a chance. So the only way for me is the good old fashion way - exercise. In the meantime, yes
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