“Please go and write. You should rant, rave whatever on your blog. You’ll feel better.”
The above is what my teenagers would tell me and this afternoon was no different. I oft rant and rave to the man and my teenagers, if they are around, on issues that I feel strongly about. My R&R, is the abbreviation for rant and rave – not rest and relax!
When I get to R&R to my teenagers, that does not mean that they listen to me. To my teenagers, my R&R is just me letting off my angst.

There was once when my sister called from Canada in the middle of my R&R. She called at the wrong time! I felt sorry for her. Instead of our normal sisterly conversation, I just plunged right in and told her what was going on, how I felt etc etc. Poor sister – not that she is not used to this after our growing up years together – but to be caught in the middle of my R&R when she just called to talk……. well that’s what sister is for?
Today my family got me this book
They were like hawks looking at my reaction on receiving this book
Sorry to disappoint them, I look forward to reading the book!
A non too subtle hint in the book title?
A book I’ll enjoy reading nonetheless
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