Today anything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
Firstly, my car started to stall on me in the middle of the highway! The engine kind of pulled back and then it just went dead. I thought it was the battery but when I tried it again, it worked. So I went on my way for my appointments, then picked up my teenager and sent her to school. Again, in the middle of the highway it acted up. I was really nervous that I might not get my teenager to school on time. Thankfully, it somehow behaved. Reached destination with time to spare, only for my old trusty car to act up twice more on the way home! I let it sit itself out on the highway for some fifteen minutes and then it was good all the way home. AAM said it was the battery but mechanic said it was most probably the gear box….. I’ll just send it off to the workshop for testings tomorrow.
Then the washing machine sprung a surprise. It simply refused to drain. All the coloured clothes were sitting in water for two hours. A frantic phone call to my trusty washer repairman solved the problem.
All in, today made me poorer by more than RM500!!!
Needed to de-stress. My younger teenager volunteered to go running with me after my older teenager bailed out on me! So much for her promise to run with me after her exams!
So, to my zany English tea-cup, thanks! It was fun running with you. My stressful day ended with laughter and fun, with you. :)
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