Sunday, May 1, 2011


What do you do when a member of family is so stressed?  Tight as a stress ball in view of forthcoming exams which will determine her future?

All we can do as family members is to provide support – feed her, look out for her, listen to her when she needed to just unwind.

Most of all, we just pray that she’ll pull through.  Come what may, she would have tried her best and we will still love her no matter what the results.

Lord, help her when she walks into the exams
Give her the peace, when it is all said and done,
To know that she’ll walk in and do her best.
I pray, Lord, for your guiding hand as she takes the exams,
and I ask for your welcome calm
when she walks out of the exams after.
Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have placed in her life.
Thank you for being with her in this time when she feels a bit overwhelmed.
Thank you for always being there for her.
Praise be to Your name. Amen.

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