Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Charity Begins At Home

Tonight my heart swells with pride and joy at the swift actions of my children.

I had explained to my youngest personally about caring for his grandparents and their medical conditions.  The same update was emailed to my two teenagers. 

I took the liberty to ask if they would like to contribute to the fund that the elders have set up to care for their grandparents.

I was so very proud when my youngest went on his own accord to retrieve his wallet from its hiding place.  My youngest loves to hide his things!  He then pulled out the ‘biggest’ bill which he had in his wallet.  He gave it to me with a huge big smile and reminded me that it was from his ‘tooth fairy’.  He proclaimed that just as his “tooth fairy” had given him a new tooth, he hopes that the same "tooth fairy" can make his grandparents well soon with "whatever body parts they need replacing".

My two teenagers had also promptly replied my email committing their share of contributions.  Knowing that their contributions will eat into their allowance, and yet they contributed without hesitation simply makes my heart swell with pride and joy.

As a parent, I’m simply so happy when my children practice “charity begins at home”.

So proud of you kids!  Bear hugs!

“Train up a child in the way that he should go: 

and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - King Solomon

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