Thursday, October 20, 2011

My "Laughing Twin"

This is specially dedicated to my “laughing twin”

We had wonderful times together
Shopped like there was no tomorrow
Elbowed our way to get in front during sales
Danced the nights away on the dance floors
Enjoyed our margaritas and “screw drivers”
“Sabotage the toilet papers, woman!”
Enjoyed food without a care to our waistlines
Lunch breaks where we laughed till we had tears rolling down our cheeks

I know my laughing twin is a strong individual 
Who can overcome, come what may

I believe in my laughing twin
Our target of Christmas timeline can be met
The rainbow is there and will eventually appear

My laughing twin
The beautiful girl 
Is now a beautiful woman  

I look forward to the day
When she has a quiet smile on her lips
And her smile suddenly bursts
An explosive loud boisterous joyous sound
LAUGHTER – the glorious sound of her soul awakening

I know my laughing twin
is inside there somewhere
bursting to come out again 
My laughing twin just needs to 
Take one day at a time

A wise friend once told me 
“Take time to smell the roses” 
I am now telling you the same
"Take time to smell the roses, my dearest friend."

With much love, 
here's a fun reminder of  
THAT crazy crazy night 
Where we danced till morn to this song

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