Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Precious little one

I am greatly disturbed.  I can’t sleep tonight - an extremely rare occurrence for me. 

I’ve just walked out of my children’s bedrooms.  I can’t help going in to give them hugs even though they are asleep, especially tonight.  They are so very precious to me.

I'm feeling great pains in my heart as I discover the extent of domestic violence that had been going on within the four walls of another house.

I can’t help but cry as I am typing this, putting myself in your shoes.  The horror and helplessness, how scared you must have been.  So sorry we did not know and protect you then.

Thank you, Lord for keeping this precious one safe.  
It was only through Your grace and Your grace alone.


Thank you for all the concerned phone calls – much appreciated.  It was not my child / children but guess I was so emotional then that my writings were unclear/confusing.  Have corrected it accordingly to read “…. within the four walls of another house.”

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