Getting it off my chest - I may muse, rant, ramble or even bitch about stuff. All straight from my heart!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Break wind
Break wind. Break wind - doesn't it sound more refine than flatulate or farting!?! Nevertheless the same!
Today I had the unfortunate 'pleasure' of inhaling the toxic gas released by an earthling whilst lining up to pay for my groceries. This earthling pretended like nothing happened. The earthling could have just mumbled "sorry" right? But no! - just pretended like nothing happened!
This brings me to recall my involuntary experiences in inhaling toxic gas.
Many moons ago, my driving instructor break wind whilst we were both in the car. Thank goodness at that time the cars used for teaching were not airconditioned. He went "parp! parp! parp-parp-parp!" I would have laughed had it not been so pungent! I had to put my head out of the window as far as I could for some fresh air! Had it been an airconditioned car, I would have been trapped like an astronaut in a space-suit!!!!
Then there was the time when I was jogging behind a male species with a great lean looking body. Good view or so I thought ..... then without warning the toxic gas hit my face! Gagged! Gagged! GAGGED! Break wind in the swimming pool - yes you read right! People actually do that! It's hilarious if you get the chance to witness it. I once saw this gorgeous sexy "Eve" strutting her stuff just before she jumped into the pool. Then minutes later what did I see but bubbles and bubbles coming out from her!!!!
There's this belief that if you lean on one side of your buttocks, you can break wind without making a sound. The only clue is maybe the smell. In such an occasion, one can quickly deflect it from oneself by saying "Phew! Where did that stench come from!?" I have actually seen this being done but you can usually tell where's the source of the smell......
If you really cannot help it but break wind, I think the common courtesy is simply to say "sorry". Or make light of the matter like the video below, just don't pretend nothing happened!
I am the regular person you would come across every other day. Only difference may be that I speak my mind as I believe life is too short to be superficial.
You’ve been given notice – whatever written here is straight from the heart. I may be writing in a peaceful amicable style but the next posting may be all emotional. I may rant, muse, ramble or even bitch in my writings. You may read and think it’s about you but there’s nothing personal here. If you can’t take it, please leave as my writings are nothing personal but merely to get it off my chest.
Oh dear me no.. this kind of insults the men. XD
ReplyDelete- Faizah