Monday, January 10, 2011

Dogs for Pet

Yesterday, a true-and-true dog lover asked me if I'd like to adopt a beautiful Golden Retriever as a family pet dog.  She has been to see this dog and can vouch that this beautiful dog has a very nice disposition.  

If she says so, I believe her for this very same true-and-true dog lover got us our family pet dog,Coco who has since passed.  Coco was a dream dog - kind and gentle to family members, ferocious and vicious to anything and anyone that could cause us harm.  She has killed numerous monitor lizards and two cobras in our garden.

Coco the proud mummy

Coco attacking the cobra in our garden
This afternoon I received a call for help from another friend asking if I'd like to adopt her dog or know of anyone who would like to adopt her dog - a pretty good natured Golden Retriever.  To both the requests, my answer was negative.

An aspiring veterinarian in the family simply loves animals and would feed stray dogs in our street despite being scolded by neighbours.   The aspiring veterinarian would rescue smelly smelly cats from drains, take birds  with damaged wings found in markets to the vet hospital, and house chickens.  A hamster was to be her Christmas present only to be vetoed by me.

So why am I being so unreasonable?  Call me a bitch, heartless, uncompromising - whatever, I don't care.  I won't allow a pet in the family, for now.  Don't get me wrong - I love animals.  When my first pet dog died, I cried for days.   I believe a pet, be it a dog or any other creature, is a being that needs care and attention.  If I get a pet, I must see to it that I am able to provide a home for it till it expires.  Have the time to spend with the pet - not just adopt it and then leave it to entertain itself in a corner of the house.  Now without a maid, and one who just could NOT stand having pee or poo in my garden, it would simply drive me crazy having to pick up poo, keeping dog's fur off the terraces ...... aaaaaaarrrrrrghhhhh!!!  Yeah, right tell me the others in the family will do it.... NO!!! they will not and this, I am speaking from experience!!!!!!!

Thus for sake of not hearing me screaming like a mad mad woman, getting my blood pressure up unnecessarily and for the sake of keeping peace, there shall be no pet, for now.

However there are two lovely Golden Retrievers up for adoption - anyone?  

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