Monday, January 17, 2011

Your Gain My Loss?

I simply can't believe it!!!!  

Just today, in ONE DAY, I've received 5 same text messages from one sender and 8 'intentional' missed calls. 

Every one of those 5 text messages contained the same message from the same person "Call me now.  I need to discuss something urgent with you."

You know what 'intentional' missed calls are, right?  These are calls that come in and ring for just a second and then they are terminated by the callers themselves. On receiving a missed call alert, I'd always automatically return the missed calls.  However after returning calls to two of the 'intentional' missed calls, the other six with numbers that I could identified  I simply decided if they have something to say they will just have to call back.

All these unnecessary text messages and intentional missed calls for what!?  Just to save a few cents! I don't know and don't bother to keep track of how much a phone call or text message cost.  But seriously people get a life!  Just so you may gain  or save yourself a few cents, you'd thought it's better that I loose some cents (or ringgits if the conversation gets too long) you resort to these tactics?  Pathetic! Irritating! Frustrating!  I wish I could put these text messages into a SPAM box

I don't have a SPAM box for these text messages, so my next best alternative for these messages now is

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