Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Racial harmony are just that - talk"

I missed the days where we were not conscious of our colour or race, and just freely mix around.  Last Sunday, I caught a glimpse of those bygone days.  A young boy  of six or seven years old did exactly that - he mixed around freely, unconscious of his colour or race.  He had just finished his swimming lesson and rushed off to the adjacent children wading pool.  Already in the pool were other youngsters - boys and girls.  This young boy jumped straight in, and started to splash water at the other youngsters.  Just like that, these youngsters started to play with one another. That simple scene touched me - such innocence and pure joy.

We are not even two weeks into 2011 and we already have quite a number of articles written on racial harmony.  I have selected three of them and you would ask what do these articles have in common? These individuals articulated their thoughts on the same subject in different ways

Rantings by MM "hopes we never have the misfortune to one day look back and regret our lack of foresight. That it is only with tragedy that we finally take a hard look at ourselves and realise that we have allowed extremist elements to have their way for too long."
The wise man is of the view that "All those that think that we are now matured enough to handle any racial confrontation are deluding themselves. No we are not. The “we” who are matured enough to handle any adverse racial situations will easily be swept aside once the masses are moved to act against another race........"
We've had those "muhibbah" days without the need of slogans. 

And...... J.D. aptly put it - "It's a truly crying shame" we are in the racial mess we are today.  It has to be Malaysia for Malaysians, nothing less, nothing more, and that is not unconstitutional. What is unconstitutional is when able Malaysians remain unwilling to lend a hand to their less able Malaysians.

Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their colour Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their colour is unthinkable

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