Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Life's cycle

On Sunday, I penned ".... time blinks its eye and life passes by in a glance and all become a memory........ life is fleeting."

This morning I've received news that a dear friend has been diagnosed with advance stage lung cancer and is in very critical condition.  This dear friend does not smoke, is very disciplined with his diet and exercises regularly.  Before this, no symptom whatever - just a nagging cough that would not go away for the past two months.  I last met him in December 2010 before his return to Singapore.  His physique would put men half his age to shame.  Now he is lying in Singapore general hospital bed breathing with the aid of oxygen mask.   He is as strong-willed and clear with his wants as ever.  He has advised his family that if to get well means he will have to go through all the treatments and the sufferings that go with it, he does not wish to do so.  To him the sufferings would not just affect him, it would also mean emotional and psychological sufferings for his family.  He said he has lived a long and fruitful life, and accepts life's cycle.

The life's cycle according to a Chinese saying ......
We are born 
We grow old.......

We get ill......... 
  ....... and we die

I shall pray for my friend's speedy recovery and at the same time I would also honour his wishes.  After all time blinks its eye and life passes by in a glance adn all become a memory....... life is fleeting. 

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