Sunday, January 9, 2011

Have & have nots - cupboards clearings

Cupboard clearings or as the westerners would say "Spring cleaning" but I am Asian so it can't be spring in Malaysia at this time of the year.  But this is the time I usually do it - a beginning of a new year, time to sort out my cupboards, my working papers, clothes, kitchen etc etc.......

Bags of soft toys were "authorized" to be given away - all in very good condition though some more than 10 years in age!  What have we been doing with them?  Nothing but merely put on display.

Discovered brand new clothes given to children as presents - never worn before.  What have we been doing with them?  Nothing but have them tucked away in the cupboard!

Bags - handbags, school bags (in good conditions), travelling bags - all been stored away in cupboards.  What have we been doing with them?  Nothing.

Today a teenager went for her manicure and pedicure - at a mere 15 years of age - and she has not even started to earn her own living!  The cost of this luxury unbeknown to her could have fed a whole family - not for a day but in some countries for a week?  I can't help but think should she be entitled to this or shall it be withheld from her?  But then her friends are having much more of this "simple luxury" - she would moan..... which I must concur with her.......    Yes, my children are taught to be careful with their allowances but is this deem as unnecessary luxury?

Is it age or is it the time of the year?  I don't know........ but when I start to clear things out for donation to charities, I can't help but think of the less fortunate......  and count my blessings.  I, with my family are so blessed with roof over our head, food on our plates, clothes on our back and most of all, our family members are healthy and with us! For all the blessings bestowed upon me, in my own way I must forward them.

If you are reading this post, you can consider yourself blessed.

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